
Friday, January 25, 2013

Menu for January 27, 2013 through February 2, 2013

This week we're having some fun foods.   You'll start by making your own gnocchi (not that hard!) and custom pesto sauce.  Then you'll have the classic Thai dish, Pad Thai, with tofu and tons of bean sprouts.  Next up is a quick and easy tortellini soup.  And finally, take a few more of those veggie burgers out of your freezer for an easy weekend meal.  If you have only had the veggie burgers on a bun, try them as a topper for a salad or sauteed vegetables-- they're great that way too!  Or, vary up the other ingredients you serve with them on the bun-- you could use some of the pesto from the gnocchi recipe instead of barbecue sauce or ketchup- YUM!.

Like usual, three of the meals you will have two times each.  The most time consuming recipe is the gnocchi.  Decide when you will be busiest this week and try to plan the leftovers for those nights!

Did you try the Healthier Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars yet?

Healthier Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

If you are craving a dessert this week, give them a try and let me know what you think!  Just don't forget to eat them warm (if they've cooled,  just reheat them briefly in the microwave).  They are really good warm and only so-so at room temperature.

Dinners for the Week

Sunday:  Gnocchi with Pesto served over roasted vegetables of choice.
  •  Make the full recipe and eat half tonight, have the leftovers on Wednesday

Gnocchi with Pesto

Monday: Tofu Pad Thai with vegetable of choice on the side.
  • Make the full recipe and eat half tonight, have leftovers on Thursday
Tofu Pad Thai

Tuesday: Tortellini Soup with bread and/or salad on the side.
  • Note: I made this recipe with a 28 ounce can of tomatoes, 12 ounces of frozen tortellini, and kale instead of spinach.  If you make it like I did, you might have to add up to a couple of cups of water so that there is enough broth for all of the tortellini.
  • Make the full recipe and eat half tonight, have leftovers on Friday
Tortellini Soup

Wednesday: Leftover Gnocchi with Pesto

Thursday: Leftover Tofu Pad Thai

Friday:  Leftover Tortellini Soup

Saturday: Veggie Burgers served your favorite way

Veggie Burgers

Have a great week!


  1. Replies
    1. Love you too friend! I'm glad you are enjoying the blog! Did something in particular prompt the comment??

  2. I printed off some things to maybe try out this weekend--I'm excited about trying gnocchi someday and it seems like a good soup weekend.


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