
Friday, March 1, 2013

Menu for March 3, 2013 through March 9, 2013

When I got home this evening Mark was out (at class) and I saw this on the counter:

Do you see how much chocolate that is?!  The math department where Mark is going to school has weekly challenge problems, and anyone who gets a problem right gets a prize of chocolate.  Mark (and I a bit too) worked on the first one and he submitted it.    Somehow I didn't expect a prize of chocolate to be 8 whole bars of chocolate?  Crazy!

Also new in our world... last Sunday our lovely neighbors across the way invited us over for dinner.  After dinner they asked if we had ever played Carcassonne and they were shocked when we said yes.  Gotta love strategy board games! While we were there we learned a lot about their plans for their farm.  Mark  has helped out with their animals a couple of times which I think is pretty awesome.  Also, they gave us some duck eggs!  I don't think I'd ever had a duck egg before.  It is so great having farm neighbors!

On the menu for you this week is some repeats from the first weeks of the blog, as well as two new recipes to try.  Mediterranean Style Stuffed Peppers to celebrate the beginning of March and the fact that summer and summer vegetables will be here before we know it.  Also new is a Quick Mixed Bean Chili that is almost vegetarian, super fast to make, and surprisingly good.  I strongly recommend the Spicy Cornbread with it, or just in general.  I like cornbread fine, but this cornbread actually sort of blew me away!  I really really liked the spiciness and taste.  Then there are two of my old favorites that I've been missing since trying so many new recipes-- Thai Honey Peanut Tofu and Pizza! (Spicy Kale, Pepperoni and Mushroom).

At the last school where I worked my team had "Pizza Fridays" once a month.  Every time I have pizza on Friday I think of them!  It's a great way to end the week and celebrate the start of the weekend. :)

Any recipe requests for next week?

Dinners for the Week

Sunday:  Mediterranean Style Stuffed Peppers with salad and/or bread on the side.
  •  Make the full recipe and eat half tonight, have the leftovers on Wednesday

Monday: Thai Honey Peanut Tofu with cooked grain of choice and vegetables of choice on the side.
  • Make the full recipe and eat half tonight, have leftovers on Thursday

Tuesday: Quick Mixed Bean Chili with Spicy Cornbread (or another bread)
  • Make the full recipe and eat some tonight, have some on Saturday, and freeze any other leftovers (or have for lunch).

Wednesday: Leftover Mediterranean Style Stuffed Peppers + sides

Thursday: Leftover Thai Honey Peanut Tofu + sides

Friday:  Spicy Kale, Pepperoni, and Mushroom Pizza with salad on the side.
  • Make the full recipe and eat any leftovers for weekend lunches!

Saturday: Leftover Quick Mixed Bean Chili and Spicy Cornbread.

Have a great week!

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