Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Cinnamon Applesauce

I grew up eating homemade applesauce, and today it is one of the foods I make almost weekly.  In my opinion, homemade applesauce is a million times better than the store bought variety.  Plus, it is much better for you and easy to make.  When I make applesauce I leave the skins on the apples so that none of the fiber or nutrients are lost.  I also don't add any sugar because I think it is completely unnecessary (and Mark agrees, so it's not just me!).  I personally like applesauce best when it is warm, so I recommend reheating it before eating.   Besides eating it plain, I love to have it for dessert with blueberries, or for lunch with a couple of spoonfuls of plain Greek yogurt on top (the mix of the warm applesauce and cold yogurt is really good!).

This recipe is actually more of a formula, as you can choose what types of apples to use.  I have used many different kinds depending on what looks good in the store.  The only apples I have not liked as applesauce are red delicious.  To make this applesauce, simply combine water and apples in a pot, turn up the heat, and stir occasionally.  The pictures below show what the applesauce will look like before cooking and after cooking:

You can leave the applesauce chunky after cooking, or blend to make it smooth.  I prefer it blended.  I'm not  always a huge fan of apples on their own, but I LOVE this applesauce.  I feel good knowing that I am essentially just eating plain apples (and cinnamon) in another form.

Cinnamon Applesauce

yield:  approximately 2 cups of applesauce per pound of apples

  • apples (most varieties will work... I currently like using McIntosh)
  • water (start with about 2/3 cup per pound of apples)
  • ceylon cinnamon or regular cinnamon (about 1/2 tsp per pound of apples, or to taste)

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